The Man Walk comes to Raymond Terrace

THE Man Walk, an international movement started to encourage men to support one another in dealing with mental health issues, has established a chapter in Raymond Terrace.

The group’s local founder “Stephen”, saw the value of the initiative in other places he has lived.

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“In Kempsey a friend made me aware of it,” he said.

“It hadn’t really gone anywhere so I offered to take it on.

“We changed to a time and day that worked for more men, we advertised and it grew from there.”

Stephen led The Man Walk in Kempsey for nearly two years, during which time the regular group grew to almost 20.

“We’d meet at eight o’clock, take a few photos, go for a walk and then grab a coffee at one of the local cafes.”

The movement, which currently hosts 71 regular walking groups across the country, was started in Kiama by Mark Burns, whose idea was to “provide a platform for men to connect with other men in their local community, which assists in combating social isolation and loneliness, as well as providing an opportunity to exercise in a social environment with low barriers to entry.”

The Man Walk is also hosted at Shoal Bay, but Stephen felt there was “a ready market” and a need for more men’s groups in Raymond Terrace.

“I came to the Men’s Shed and suggested the idea at a meeting there.”

After launching on 19 November, International Men’s Day, Stephen has continued to promote The Man Walk.

“We want to make it okay to talk, and we want to make it okay for men to ask for help if they need it.”

The Man Walk is on in Raymond Terrace every Wednesday at 8am, commencing at the Raymond Terrace Men’s Shed.

By Lindsay HALL

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