The late Mary Kell receives the Medal of the Order of Australia for volunteering efforts

Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) posthumously, the late Mary Kell was a tireless volunteer.

THE Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division has been awarded posthumously to Mary Kell.

A renowned giver of her time in service to others, Mary was recognised for service to the community through a range of volunteer roles.

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Her local work saw her dedicating herself to the United Hospital Auxiliary in Dorrigo, while as a member of the Dorrigo Lions Club she held the titles of Lions Lady and Treasurer.

Mary was also a member of the Dorrigo Steam Railway and Museum and an active member of the Dorrigo RSL Sub-Branch.

She loved the theatre and held the roles of Director, committee member and actress with the Dorrigo Dramatic Society, eventually having Life Membership bestowed upon her.

Fascinated by history, Mary also was a member of the Fellowship of the First Fleeters (FFF) North Coast Chapter.

She held the title of President between 1997-1999, Vice-President from 1999-2002, was a committee member for 20 years and a Life Member.

Robyn M Condliffe, a friend from the Fellowship of the First Fleeters, remembers Mary dearly.

“Mary was a very proud Australian and First Fleet descendant who was passionate about family history,” Robyn told NOTA.

“She was elegant, intelligent, hardworking with great organisation skills and was a Life Member of many charities and organisations because of her tireless efforts.

“This ‘pocket rocket’ was a gifted public speaker and actress,” said Robyn fondly.

“Kind-hearted and always generous in thought, word and deed.”

Robyn referred to Mary as a loyal friend, devoted and supportive wife, mother of five, grandmother and great grandmother.

“Mary was a wonderfully inspirational and positive role model, encouraging her family to be open minded, to live life to the full and to explore the world.

“What a life and legacy to be able to look down upon.

“Mary left this world a better place.”


The late Mary Kell OAM is remembered as kind-hearted and always generous in thought, word and deed.

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