The history of the Raymond Terrace Rotary town clock

The town clock on the intersection of Port Stephens and William Streets in Raymond Terrace.

THE Rotary town clock in Raymond Terrace has been standing in the centre of town since 1955.

On the intersection of Port Stephens and William Streets, Raymond Terrace, the clock was a project undertaken by the newly formed local Rotary Club to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Rotary International.

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During the 1954 and 1955 Rotary year, the Rotary Club of Raymond Terrace undertook fundraising activities to raise the 1500 pounds needed to complete the project.

However, before the clock could be built, the devastating ‘big flood’ of 1955 hit Raymond Terrace and the money raised was donated to the town’s flood relief.

Undeterred, the following year the Club undertook further fundraising activities to complete the clock project.

From 1955 to 1970 maintenance of the clock was carried out by well-known local, Fred Anseline, a charter member of the Rotary Club.

By the mid 70s, with no one to maintain the clock, it was handed over to Port Stephens Council.

Ernie Elbourne, Service Director of the Rotary Club of Raymond Terrace told News Of The Area, “It is very difficult to capture the generational family commitment of the Proskowiec family in keeping the town clock functioning.

“George Proszkowiec of Terrace Showcase Jewellers and his family have been involved in re-designing the internals of the Rotary clock and looking after it mechanically for about five decades.”

George’s father, Wladyslaw Proszkowiec, was a member of the Rotary Club, and on his passing in 1974, his family, who were watchmakers and jewellers in Raymond Terrace since 1967 decided, as a legacy and in memory of Wladyslaw, to undertake a complete modernisation of the clock working system.

George and his brother, Peter, had taken on quite a project and the Clock was restarted after the significant upgrade in October 1984.

Currently the Proszkowiec family are funding the costs and remain committed to the ongoing maintenance of the time keeping of the clock as a service to both the community and to Rotary.

George and Peter have the support of both their sons for the future.

“This has been an amazing commitment by the family over so many years and the Rotary Club of Raymond Terrace are extremely grateful for their dedication,” he said.

Port Stephens Council has maintained the external features of the clock and it is currently in the midst of a major refurbishment as the masonry and electricity supply are overhauled.

The Club acknowledges the efforts of George and Peter and their family together with the Port Stephens Council in keeping the landmark clock a feature of Raymond Terrace.


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