ON Monday 22 September, representatives of Tea Gardens Country Club and The Garden Eatery travelled to Sydney to attend the NSW Restaurant and Catering Awards at Royal Randwick Racecourse.
The Gardens Eatery was a finalist in Regional Asian Restaurant and Consumer Vote Categories.

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Although just beaten in the Asian Restaurant Category by the highly fancied Newcastle Japanese restaurant Nagisa, The Gardens Eatery triumphed in the Consumer Vote category.
General Manager of the Country Club, Warren Gooley, said that everyone at the Club was very proud of the result achieved.
“Over the past two years our industry has seen some extraordinary hardships and troubles.
“Covid-19 meant lockdowns and loss of livelihoods and the resulting staffing crisis has left businesses crying out for workers to help keep the doors open.”
Warren joined Jenny and Ly in thanking the staff both from the Club and the restaurant for their hard work and also the many members and guests who have continued to provide support to the business.
Our town was also fortunate enough to be represented at the Awards by Mumms on the Myall who were finalists in the regional Seafood Restaurant and regional Breakfast Restaurant Categories.