The dark heart of local independent politics


DEAR News Of The Area,

ONCE again our regular self-proclaimed BS exposer W Duesbury, (‘Teal Independents’, p25, Coffs Coast NOTA, Opinion and Letters, 11 March Edition) has uncovered the supposed dark heart of local independent politics.

Apparently an organisation called Climate 200 with a ‘green’ agenda (now there’s a misleading name!) is backing some Independent candidates in Federal coalition held seats.

Not exactly a surprising revelation.

I would expect it’s pretty damn expensive to run for Parliament as an Independent and it no doubt makes sense to have the assistance of group resources and advice.

We’re not all Clive Palmers, having racked up billions by property speculation on the back of selling off our country’s natural resources to overseas interests.

With his BS sniffing nose for things that smell, I cannot wait for Mr Duesbury’s exposé of recent Federal Government policy and funding announcements.

Not to mention their backflips and catchy marketing phrases as they attempt to dispel their attachment to the big lobbyist groups and all things fossil before the upcoming election.

It’s great to see an ordinary local person put their hand up to have a go.

If the result is some blood-letting of sitting Coalition members which reminds them that we don’t accept the smug dishonesty, that we do want genuine integrity and accountability, and fairness, and policies which look beyond the next term of office, then that can only be a good thing for our nation.

Who cares what colour it is?

Dave WOOD,
Boambee East.

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