The Coffs Harbour City Orchestra’s Evening Carols Delight Young and Old

Light rain couldn’t dampen the enjoyment of the audience.


AN enthusiastic crowd was treated to an enjoyable evening of Christmas Carols by the Coffs Harbour City Orchestra last Sunday, December 12.

Locals of all ages set up their folding chairs in front of the Sawtell Surf Life Saving Club and settled in for an evening of Christmas favourites.

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The show opened with a Christmas medley and the orchestra performed favourites such as ‘O Come O ye faithful’ and ‘Joy to the world’.

Vocalists John Greene and Ursula Kay fronted the orchestra for sing-along carols.

‘Santa Claus is coming to town’ heralded Santa’s arrival, along with some light rain.

As Santa distributed sweets to many happy young folk, the rain looked threatening.

Most of the crowd, however, were hardy souls who waited for the sky to clear and the show resumed, with more songs, including ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘Silent Night’, another Christmas medley and selections from Handel Messiah.

Conductor Tim Egan said, “There was a great community feel and an opportunity for people to get into the Christmas spirit, because there has been such a lack of live music.”

The fifty members of the orchestra range in age from a violinist in her 80’s to 11-year-old twins who play violin and saxophone.

In previous years the orchestra has performed Christmas concerts at the North Coast Botanic Gardens, but, according to conductor Tim Egan, they decided to do something different this year.

He said that the orchestra aimed to play four major concerts each year, plus Christmas and Seniors events.

Mr Egan said, “We have a great collection of younger members in the orchestra who learn from the older members and we’re looking forward to providing great music for the Coffs Coast in 2022.

“We always welcome new players.”


By Andrew VIVIAN

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