The Beast takes to the stage in Dorrigo

The cast of The Beast in full dress rehearsal: Katie Francis (Gen), Carolyn Nelson (Rob), Jonathan Billing (Baird), Bridget Kramer (Marge), Sammi Cambray (Sue) and Wayne Burley (Simon).

DORRIGO Dramatic Club is bringing The Beast to the stage with performances held at the newly refurbished Old Gazette Theatre, Dorrigo, from 2-17 September 2022.

“After seeing The Beast performed in Melbourne several years ago, it immediately came to mind as the perfect play for this area,” Tamar Collier, the play’s director, told News Of The Area.

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With razor-sharp wit, playwright Eddie Perfect relishes the opportunity to satirise the holier-than-thou tree-changer who brings their organic, ethical, sustainable idealism to the countryside.

With more and more city-dwellers making the move to the regions, the dialogue in The Beast tackles the subject in a confronting, hilarious and unforgettable fashion, say the critics.

“For the myriad benefits that newcomers bring to towns like Dorrigo, there’s a joy to be had in giving the audience the freedom and opportunity to enjoy having a cheeky, light-hearted chuckle at their expense – said as a tree-changer of sorts myself,” said Tamar.

Rehearsing a play in the depths of winter with ongoing COVID and flu waves crashing through the ranks has been far from ideal, but the stalwart players took it all in their stride and worked hard to keep the momentum going.

“It has been great fun to watch the cast discover the more extreme and lewd aspects of their characters and dialogue; on more than one occasion, getting through a rehearsal without everyone collapsing into fits of embarrassed giggles has been a challenge in itself.”

Collectively the Dramatic Club members’ philosophy is that the joy and connection that the performing arts can foster is so special for both artists and audiences alike.

“In a small regional community like Dorrigo, having a night out is a great opportunity for people to come together with their friends, family and community to share in an experience that’s fun and exciting and that supports their local theatre to flourish and grow,” said Tamar.

With its colourful dialogue and very adult content, The Beast is expected to raise an eyebrow or two.

“It’s the sort of play that will leave some audience members squirming in their seats and others in fits of laughter.

“Despite the challenges we’ve faced along the way, the dedication and hard graft of our wonderful cast and crew has been so encouraging and I’m enormously proud and grateful for their perseverance in bringing this beast of a play to the stage.”


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