Tenders open for Sawtell and Woolgoolga pool construction

A concept design of the new Sawtell pool facade. Image: supplied.

THE construction tenders for the new Sawtell and Woolgoolga public swimming pools are now open, marking the commencement of the next stage for the projects.

Apart from securing suitably qualified contractors, the tender process will also shed light on completion timeframes, with locals keenly awaiting for dates to be finalised.

Both pools are currently closed for the winter season, but are set for entire rebuilds as the near 40-year-old complexes were deemed past the threshold for refurbishment.

The works will be completed with the aid of local and federal government funds and include the construction of a new eight-lane 25-metre main pool, a new ten-metre by eight-metre learn-to-swim pool, multi-function building, splash zone, improved accessibility as well as other inclusions.

The tender process will run until early August.


The Woolgoolga pool complex design. Image: supplied.

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