Ten years on from kidney transplant thanks to Living Donor

Coffs Harbour’s Wendy Fisher is celebrating 10 years since a Living Donor kidney transplant in 2015.

TEN years ago, on 24 March, Wendy Fisher received a kidney transplant from a Living Donor.

Having thrived in great health since then, Wendy will be holding a small celebration with family and friends at Easter to mark the milestone.

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After a childhood illness left her with ever-decreasing kidney function, Wendy spent decades knowing she would need a kidney transplant at some stage.

“Increasing nausea and tiredness, and a kidney function of nine percent. indicated that the time was right,” she told News Of The Area.

Normally, a family member would be the ideal Living Donor, meaning a transplant could be carried out at the optimum time for the recipient before dialysis was needed.

“In my case, none of my family members were suitable, so a wonderful couple of friends I had made at the Grafton Dragon Boat Club offered to be tested.

“I found it hard to take in that people could be so incredibly generous.”

The friends, husband and wife Chris and Terry, both endured rigorous health checks, with Terry turning out to be the better match.

“Terry’s kidney worked amazingly well from the start, so my family nick-named him Turbo Terry”.

Now, whenever Wendy has a particularly happy occasion or day, she sends a photo to Terry and his family, “just so that they never forget what he has given me and my loved ones”.

At the age of 64, Wendy plays an active part in Coffs U3A, is a volunteer, enjoys many hobbies, has an active social life, and has just started to play Pickleball.

“I am able to travel to see my elder son and family in New Zealand, younger son and his wife in California, and my elderly mum and siblings in the UK.

“Without my kidney transplant it would have been nearly impossible to do any of these things.

“Terry has truly given me my life back.”

For Terry it was “an easy decision for me and my wife Chris to offer to be living kidney donors.

“Having known Wendy as a good friend for over 10 years, we knew she would make the most of her new lease on life and give joy to many others as well.

“Without the kidney, her life would be tied to a dialysis machine.

“With the kidney, Wendy has been able to climb Uluru, travel overseas to attend her sons’ weddings, babysit her grandchildren and play a very active role in the Coffs volunteer community,” Terry told NOTA.

“I saw my father lead a full and active life for 40 years after a kidney removal, and likewise for me, having one kidney has not affected my busy lifestyle at all, and I continue to enjoy life to the fullest.”

There are currently over 1000 kidney transplants performed each year in Australia, with over 15,000 Australians reliant on regular dialysis treatment in order to stay alive.

Eighty percent of transplants are performed using kidneys from deceased donors.


Coffs Harbour’s Wendy Fisher is celebrating 10 years since a Living Donor kidney transplant in 2015.

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