Ten minutes that could save your life: Men’s Health van comes to Nambucca

The MHERV Van, a purposely fitted out motorhome, will be situated in the Nambucca Plaza Carpark on Tuesday 26 September, Wednesday 27 September and Thursday 28 September.

OVER the period of 26-28 September, Nambucca Valley residents and visitors to the area are going to be given an opportunity that may save their lives and it will only take ten minutes out of their day.

The Mens Health Education Rural Van, known as MHERV, will be parked in the carpark of the Nambucca Plaza, where a registered nurse will take blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and have a general chat about your health.

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The van and Registered Nurse Leanne Garvey travel around rural Australia thanks to Rotary, the Royal Freemasons Benevolent Institution and Electrodry.

Project leader Adrian Payne told News Of The Area, “MHERV sees around 3,500 patients each year and it is no surprise how many males have undetected symptoms, with around 40 percent requiring following up with a GP.”

The MHERV project is organised by Rotary and over the past five years it is estimated that more than 450 lives have been saved because of these free basic health checks.

“While men are our key target as we don’t want them dropping dead in the paddock, ladies are also welcome,” Adrian said.

MHERV is a regional project made possible by fundraising, generous sponsorship and time freely given by hundreds of Rotary volunteers.

There is no requirement to book and the health screening is absolutely free of charge.

The MHERV vehicle, a purposely fitted out motorhome, will be situated in the Nambucca Plaza Carpark on Tuesday 26 September, Wednesday 27 September and Thursday 28 September, operating from 9:30 am until 3:30 pm on each of those days.


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