Technical studies start for Jetty Foreshores masterplan proposal

Technical studies are to be carried out in line with the development of the Jetty Foreshores masterplan.

TECHNICAL studies are being carried out over the next few months along the land at the Jetty to be used to develop the Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshores masterplan.

A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment told News Of The Area, “Property and Development NSW (PDNSW) continues to work with the Department of Planning and Environment and stakeholders including The City of Coffs Harbour to refine the Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshore masterplan.

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“Using the refined masterplan which was announced in December 2022 as a reference, PDNSW has engaged technical consultants to prepare studies to finalise the rezoning proposal.

“The technical studies include but are not limited to traffic and transport, services and infrastructure planning, structure and geotechnical, hydrology, ecology, and visual impact.

“Preparation of these studies will start shortly and be used to develop the masterplan which will inform the rezoning proposal to be lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).”

The submission is currently expected to be made mid-2023.

Once submitted the masterplan and all supporting studies will be available on the DPE’s website and responses will be received via the formal exhibition process.

Retired civil engineer Bruce Fidge, who has a keen interest in the development process of the Jetty Foreshores masterplan, told NOTA, “This may now leave the way open to refine the plan in response to issues identified by the additional studies, which (in my opinion) is what should have been done in the first instance.

“I note they are doing a Geotech study.

“Does that include soil contamination which is identified as an important issue under EPA guidelines, for land that has been used previously for port, railway or industrial purposes?” Bruce said.

“In the interest of transparency and to engage the community in the process, I hope they will be making a copy of the consultants’ brief/scope of works available for review.

“This will ensure all outstanding issues, for example contamination, are being addressed now rather than waiting six months when the reports are released and any omissions come to light.”


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