Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls weekly commentary on Seniors Fours Championship

Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls.


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls

Monday 24th February: Round 1 of NDWBA Seniors Fours Championship. TGWBC entered two teams in this event.

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Francis Betar, Robyn Webster, Sandra Leisemann and Pat Baker bowled at Hexham and defeated a team from Lemon Tree Passage skipped by Lynette Jordan, hence advancing to Round 2. Leona Clissold, Jan Coomer, Irene Roberts (all new bowlers) and Jeanette Emmett travelled to Nelson Bay and on a very heavy, slow green they lost to Patricia Skinner’s team from Raymond Terrace.

Tuesday 25th February: TGWBC hosted 9 teams (our ladies had an “at home game”), competing in Round 2 of the Fours Championship. Unfortunately Pat Baker’s team went down, bowling against a team from Soldiers Point, Skip Yvonne Corcoran. Rosita Ryan’s side (Soldiers Point) were the winners of this Championship. Social bowls was played as usual, 2 games of Fours. A good win for Trish Ward, Leona Clissold, Lynda Richards and Maureen Campbell 25 v Jean Glover, Jan Coomer, Bev Rhodes and Jill McBride 11. A close contest between Irene Roberts, Lyn Nightingale, Deyonne Page and Loretta Baker winning 17 v 14 against Ingrid Luck, Judi Polak, Maynie Roberts and Bette Saillard. The winners on the day with the highest margin were Maureen’s team.

Wednesday 26th February: Robyn Beaumont, Lynda Richards, Dale Winter and Lynne Green competed in NDWBA Open Fours Competition played at Wallsend. No good news to report from here we had a loss against Ann Cheetham, Lisa Davies, Suzanne Gunness and Delma Price from Lemon Tree Passage. The overall winners of the Open Fours Championship were Adelle Pearson, Nareen Layer, Melissa Witts and Cheryl Field from Soldiers Point.

Thursday 27th February: Format for play 3 games of Fours. Sue Morris, Jeanette Emmett (swinger second), Pam Gilchrist and Robyn Webster were 6 all on the 6th end against Ann Remmant, Jeanette, Lynne Nightingale and Judy McGavock. Robyn’s team then forged ahead winning 15 v 8. An impressive victory for Ingrid Luck, Dorothy Thompson, Bev Rhodes and Loretta baker 21 v Trish Ward, Bev Dunn, Deyonne Page and Karen McPhie 4. A win also for Jan Coomer, Jean Glover, Lynda Richards and Maynie Roberts 13 v Irene Roberts, Judi Polak, Maureen Campbell and Jill McBride 6. The lucky winner of the voucher to the Myall Bistro & Café was Judy McGavock.

NDWBA Pennant Competition begins on Tuesday 3rd March our Club has 2 sides in Grade 4 and a Grade 2 side. All grades are playing at home on Tuesday, all bowling away on Thursday. Grade 4 Blue and Grade 2 will play at home on Tuesday 10th March. We are all hoping to “bring a flag” home this year.



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