Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls weekly commentary

The Birthday Girls (L) to (R): Lorraine Murphy, Margaret Smith and Dot Dallas.


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls

TUESDAY 4th August: AGM was held prior to bowls, Deyonne Page continues as President, Karen McPhie Secretary and Lynda Richards Treasurer. The Vice Presidents are Judi Polak and Lorraine Murphy. Lorraine elected in place of Lynne Green who didn’t stand for re-election. Match Committee Robyn Webster and Lyn Nightingale (at present), Selection Committee Maynie Roberts, Dot Dallas and Bette Saillard (at present). Social Committee Sheril Johnson and Robyn Beaumont (at present). Welfare Officer Kathie Rimmer. Following the AGM belated birthday celebrations (due to Covid 19) for 3 special ladies who celebrated “O” birthdays during lockdown.

Format for bowls, 5 games 3 bowls Triples, 12 ends. Jan Coomer, Bev Rhodes and Jill McBride were 6 all on the 6th end bowling against Jean Glover, Carol Hayden and Robyn Webster. On the next 2 ends Robyn’s team gained 9 shots making it difficult for their opposition to make a “come back”. Victory to Robyn’s team 18 v 11. A close contest on the next rink Dawn jones, Bev Stephens and Maynie Roberts 12 v Sheila Rattray, Lyn Nightingale and Robyn Beaumont 10. Not a good day at bowls for Ingrid Luck, Lynda Richards and Kathie Rimmer losing by 17 shots to Bette Saillard, Christine Fossey and Lorraine Murphy, 21 v 4. Irene Roberts, Dorothy Thompson and Wendy Jones lead all the way in their match against Sue Morris, Pam Gilchrist and Dot Dallas winning 15 v 7. No winners no losers on Rink 6 Bev Dunn, Jeanette Emmett and Kayelene Pearson 12 v Sheril Johnson, Judi Polak and Loretta Baker 12. The winners on the day with the highest margin were Bette, Christine and Lorraine.

Thursday 6th August: A good turn up of bowlers, 4 games 3 bowls Triples 12 ends. A good win to Bev Dunn, Pam Gilchrist and Jill McBride 21 v Carol Hayden, Judi Polak and Faye Giggins 10. A close contest between Ingrid Luck, Jeanette Emmett and Loretta Baker v Jan Coomer, Dot Dallas and Lorraine Murphy 5 all on the 7th from then one team only managed to add 1 shot to their tally, the other team 10. Congratulations to Loretta’s ladies winning 15 v 6. Lyn Nightingale, Bev Rhodes and Maynie Roberts led all the way eventually winning 13 v 7 against Sue Morris, Sheila Rattray and Judy McGavock. Wilma Drake ( wonderful to see Wilma back at bowls), Lynda Richards and Robyn Webster had a 6 shot lead on the 7th end v Jean Glover, Dorothy Thompson and Robyn Beaumont. By the 10th end the score was 8 all, Robyn B’s team ultimately winning by 2 shots, 10 v 8. Winners on the day with the highest margin were Bev, Pam and Jill. The winner of the voucher donated by the Myall Bistro and Café was Judy McGavock.



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