Tea Gardens Womens Bowls and Results by Lynda Richards

Happy birthday Francis Betar.
Happy birthday Francis Betar.

Tea Gardens Womens Bowls

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Tuesday 8th January: First day back at bowls following the Christmas Break. Despite the very hot weather there was a good turn up of bowlers. Format for play was 2 games of Fours (Francis Betar playing “swinger lead”) and 2 games of Triples. On Rink 2 Francis Betar, Judi Polak, Bev Stephens and Karen McPhie drew 12 all against Francis, Bette Saillard, Wendy Brand and Loretta Baker. On the next rink Sandra Leisemann, Lynda Richards, Pat Baker and Maynie Roberts went from leading 7 to nil, to losing by 8 shots against Robyn Beaumont, Lorraine Murphy, Karen Green and Kayelene Pearson, 17 v 9. Ingrid Luck, Jo Younghusband and Lynne Green defeated Dawn Jones, Dot Dallas and Deyonne Page 17 v 11. Dorothy Thompson, Lyn Nightingale and Dale Winter claimed victory by 2 shots bowling against Dawn May, Jill McBride and Elizabeth Kelly, score 14 v 12. Winners on the day, winning with the highest score were Ingrid, Jo and Lynne. Prior to play a “spider” was held and the winner of this was Judi Polak. Congratulations to Francis Betar who celebrated a special “0 birthday” during the break. Dale Winter won the raffle, many thanks to the Myall Bistro and Café for their donation of the raffle prize, it is very much appreciated.
Thursday 10th January: Social bowls 2 games of Fours and a game of Pairs. A convincing win for Bette Saillard, Deyonne Page, Lynda Richards and Kayelene Pearson 16 v Judi Polak, Francis Betar, Jill McBride and Karen McPhie 7. Jean Glover and Elizabeth Kelly just scraped through with a win 12 v 13 against Ingrid Luck and Lynne Green. Liz Everingham, Bev Dunn, Bev Stephens and Maynie Roberts proved to be too strong an opposition for Jan Coomer, Jo Younhusband, Dorothy Thompson and Dale Winter winning by 9 shots 15 v 6. Welcome to new member Liz Everingham.

Great news for TGWBC Mick Rumble Principal of First National Real Estate Hawks Nest has agreed to be the major sponsor for both the men and women’s bowling club. New sponsor, (very soon) new shirts and a new name, the First National Dolphins.

Coming events: Coaching available (by qualified coaches) every Thursday following bowls, new bowlers more than welcome. Club Championship Fours round 1 commences 29th January.



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