Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling results by Lynda Richards

Presentation Night Club Champion Karen McPhie with Runner Up Maynie Roberts.


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling

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Monday 2nd December: Tea Gardens Country Club Bowling Clubs Presentation Night 2019. A great night enjoyed by all who attended, congratulations to all those who were presented with prizes. Many thanks to Tea Gardens Country Club and Motel for your support of both the Men and Women’s Bowling Clubs on this night and throughout the year, our Major Sponsor Hawks Nest First National Real Estate, Principal Mick Rumble and the Myall Bistro and Café who catered this event.

Tuesday 3rd December: A good “turn up” considering many had had a big night. Format for play 2 games of Triples and 2 games of Fours with Francis Betar playing “swinger lead”. Jan Coomer, Lorraine Murphy and Lynne Green led all the way and ended with a big win against Judi Polak, Maureen Campbell and Pat Baker 18 v 7. A close contest between Francis Betar, Jeanette Emmett, Dorothy Thompson and Loretta Baker defeating Francis, Sheril Johnson, Bette Saillard and Dale Winter 14 v 11. Sheila Rattray, Lyn Nightingale, Wendy Jones and Karen McPhie were holding their own with a lead of 1 on the 12th end (10 v 9), against Dawn May, Ingrid Luck, Jill McBride and Maynie Roberts. The next 8 ends resulted in Karen’s team adding 1 to their tally and Maynie’s girls gained 16 points, winning 25 v 11. A win to Dawn Jones, Sandra Leisemann and Lynda Richards 25 v Christine Fossey, Bev Rhodes and Kayelene Pearson 17. The winners on the day with the highest score (2 Teams ) then a count back on ends were Dawn, Sandra and Lynda. Sandra was the lucky raffle winner, thanks to the Myall Bistro and Café for donating the raffle prize.

Thursday 5th December: Three games of 3 bowls triples 12 ends. On Rink 2 Bev Dunn “swinger lead”, Lynda Richards and Jill McBride 19 v Bev, Ann Remmant and Lorraine Murphy 8. On the next Rink a very evenly matched contest 12 all on the 11th end the victors Sue Morris, Ingrid Luck and Karen Green scored 2 on the last end winning 14 v 12 against Lyn Nightingale, Bev Rhodes and Dale Winter. On the 7th end Margaret Wigman, Robyn Webster and Karen McPhie had a lead of 3 shots versus Jean Glover, Judi Polak and Bette Saillard, unfortunately their didn’t add to their score whereas Bette’s team gained 8 points, victors 11 v6.

Coming events: Break Up Day and President v Secretary Competition on Thursday 12th December. Bowls will resume for our members on Tuesday 7th January.



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