Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club Results

President Deyonne Page presenting Jeanette Emmett her 10 year Membership Certificate WBNSW.


TUESDAY 2 March: Social bowls played three games of Fours and a game of Pairs, an opportunity for our Pennant teams to bowl together.

Prior to play, President Deyonne Page presented Jeanette Emmett her 10 year Member Certificate WBNSW.

The score was 9 all on the 9th end Sheila Rattray, Jan Coomer, Jeanette Emmett and Kathie Rimmer v Lyn Nightingale, Irene Roberts, Dawn Jones and Judy McGavock.

The next five ends resulted in Judy’s team remaining scoreless and Kathy’s ladies adding 10 points to their tally, (19 v 9), by the 17th end the score was 19 v 14.

Only 20 ends played due to rain, Kathy’s team winning 23 v 14.

Lorraine Murphy, Robyn Webster, Sandra Leisemann and Pat Baker started strongly and continued the onslaught against Jean Glover, Lynn Green, Maynie Roberts and Dale Winter claiming victory by 11 shots, 24 v 13.

A win by 11 shots also on the next rink to Sheril Johnson, Christine Fossey, Deyonne Page and Karen McPhie 27 v Lynda Richards, Judi Polak, Bev Rhodes and Robyn Beaumont 16.

In the Pairs game, Dorothy Thompson and Ingrid Luck 18 defeated Francis Betar and Jill McBride 9.

The winners on the day were Sheril, Christine, Deyonne and Karen. Lorraine Murphy was the winner of the voucher to The Garden Eatery, many thanks for their donation of the raffle prize.

Thursday 4 March: 21 bowlers, 2 games of Fours, Ingrid Luck “swinger” lead and a game of Triples.

Lyn Nightingale, Loretta Baker, Dorothy Thompson and Judy McGavock 14 v Sheila Rattray, Jan Coomer, Jeanette Emmett and Dot Dallas 10.

A big win for Jean Glover, Lynne Green and Maynie Roberts 20 v Lorraine Murphy, Bev Rhodes and Pat Baker 7.

A win also for Ingrid Luck, Judi Polak, Bette Saillard and Robyn Beaumont 15 v Ingrid, Christine Fossey, Deyonne Page and Karen McPhie 8.

Coming Events: Thursday 11 March our Grade 2 side are bowling at home against Kotara and Tuesday 16th March Grade 4 Yellow have a home game against Cardiff. Social bowls as usual during Pennants.



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