Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

Former TGWBC president Monica Fitzmaurice addressing the audience.

TUESDAY 6 June: Numbers definitely down with only 12 members presenting for a game of bowls. Format for play 3 games, 3 bowls Pairs 18 ends. By the 3rd end Lyn Nightingale and Judy McGavock had scored 8 shots, Precy Swaddling and Robyn Webster none.

Things did improve slightly from here on for Precy and Robyn but they ended up losers by 8 shots, the final score 22 v 14. Dawn Jones and Pat Baker also had an impressive win 22 v Jan Coomer and Lynne Green 12.

A closer contest on the next rink, the score was 7 all on the 7th end Dot Dallas and Jean Glover v Jeanette Emmett and Deyonne Page from here on Jeanette and Deyonne edged slowly ahead claiming victory by 1 shot 16 v 15.

The winners on the day winning with the lowest margin were Jeanette and Deyonne.

Thursday 8th June: What a day, 3 events rolled into 1 day The Biggest Morning Tea, Bring a Friend to Bowls Day and a catch up with our “Golden Girls” (a name affectionally given to our past members).

There were 36 bowlers in total 12 ends of bowls were played lots of laughter, wrong bias’ and good and not so good bowls delivered.

I am pleased to announce that $2,000.00 was raised for the Cancer Council many thanks to all our members who helped make this day such a success by donating raffle prizes, baking delicious treats for morning tea and your hard work in the kitchen before and after lunch.

Also thanks to the men from TGMBC for cooking the BBQ and a big thank you to Tea Gardens Country Club and Motel for donating the Green Fees to this worthy cause.

Following lunch everyone joined in to wish past President (1995-1997) Monica Fitzmaurice happy 95th birthday, coincidentally it was actually her birthday this day.

Monica gave a lovely thank you speech and enlightened us to some history of TGWBC which was founded in 1955.


Happy 95th Monica.

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