Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

Club President Robyn Webster, Lemon Tree Passage President Annette Davis and Vicki Rankin.

TUESDAY 11 April: Social bowls played 3 games of 2 bowls Fours 18 ends, with Irene Roberts “Swinger Lead” in one game.

Interestingly, all the teams that won did so with big margins.

Results as follows:

Irene, Loretta Baker, Lynda Richards and Deyonne Page 29 v Irene, Christine Fossey, Kathie Rimmer and Dot Dallas 5.

A win for Precy Swaddling, Sheila Rattray, Jeanette Emmett and Ingrid Luck 28 v Dale Cameron, Jan Coomer, Dawn Jones and Dale Winter 8.

Pam Gilchrist, Lyn Nightingale, Lorraine Murphy and Pat Baker 28 defeated Chrissy Buddle, Sheril Johnson, Lynne Green and Sandra Leisemann 17.

Winners on the day winning with the highest margin were Irene, Loretta, Lynda and Deyonne.

Thursday 13 April: Six teams travelled to Lemon Tree Passage to compete in the annual Lemon Tree Passage Women’s Bowling Club v TGWBC Challenge.

This event started in 2014 instigated by our then Club Secretary Vicki Rankin but not played since 2019 due to COVID.

Unfortunately rain stopped play after 4 ends, the scores were tallied TGWBC were announced the winners, winning by 2 shots.

No social bowls played due to rain.

Tuesday 18 April: Social bowls a game of 3 bowls Triples and 3 games of Fours all games 18 ends.

By the 11th end Sheril Johnson, Irene Roberts and Bev Harrington had an 8 shot lead (14 v 6) bowling against Jan Coomer, Dawn May and Robyn Beaumont.

Robyn’s team won 5 out of the next 7 ends ultimately just losing by 2 shots, 16 v 14.

A close game all the way between Sheila Rattray, Christine Fossey, Jean Glover and Dot Dallas 18 v Pam Gilchrist, Judi Polak, Maureen Campbell and Sandra Leisemann 13.

Same story on the next rink, the winners here Precy Swaddling, Lyn Nightingale, Lorraine Murphy and Lynne Green 18 v Chrissy Buddle, Ingrid Luck, Dale Cameron and Pat Baker 13. Carolyn Fredericks (Swinger Lead), Loretta Baker, Dawn Jones and Robyn Webster took an early lead and held on to it winning against Carolyn, Bev Rhodes, Jeanette Emmett and Dale Winter 22 v 17.

Winners on the day winning with the highest score were Carolyn, Loretta, Dawn and Robyn.

Thursday 20 April: No social bowls played due to rain.

With great sadness I am reporting on the passing of our former member Margaret Smith on Wednesday 19 April.

Margaret was a staunch supporter of TGWBC.

She was Vice President for 7 years, served as a Delegate, Welfare Officer and was on the Match Committee, she will be sadly missed by all who knew her.


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