Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

Runner up Karen Green and Robyn Beaumont, winner of the Club Championship Major Singles.

IT HAS been a busy and enjoyable week of bowling for our members.

On Monday 14 November, two teams from Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club competed at the Fingal Bay Triples Invitation Day.

The programme was to be two games of two bowl Triples, ten ends but due to heavy rain overnight and into the morning the green keeper had closed the greens when we arrived at 09:00am.

Thankfully the rain stopped and we headed out to bowl at 11:00am, with the format changed to one game, two bowl Triples, twelve ends.

Congratulations to Lynda Richards, Deyonne Page and Karen McPhie on winning this event, in which 20 teams competed.

Also well done to Lorraine Murphy, Jean Glover and Robyn Webster on beating a very strong Soldiers Point team.

Tuesday 15 November: The Final of the Major Singles Club Championship, Robyn Beaumont v Karen Green.

Robyn started strongly, winning the first five ends by one shot (except the third end, where she gained two).

On the sixth end Karen had a win, the score now 6 v 1, it was another six ends before Karen had another win but by this stage Robyn had gained a significant lead.

Karen continued to “give it her best shot” and as often stated, the score does not reflect the standard of the bowling.

Robyn became TGWBC Major Champion (for the third consecutive year), on the nineteenth end winning 25 v 7.

Social bowls was played, but just two games of Pairs, as most of our members opted to watch the Major Singles Finals.

Results of social play Irene Roberts and Sandra Leisemann 19 v Chrissy Buddle and Pat Baker 9.

Ingrid Luck and Bette Saillard 12 v Lyn Nightingale and Lynda Richards 8.

Winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Ingrid and Bette.

Irene Roberts won the raffle, many thanks to The Garden Eatery for donating the raffle prize. Bev Rhodes was presented her 20 year membership/badge to Women’s Bowls NSW.

Thursday 17 November: Three games, three bowl Triples, twelve ends.

A big win to Chrissy Buddle, Dorothy Thompson and Dale Winter 20 v Sue Morris, Ingrid Luck and Robyn Beaumont 7.

Sheril Johnson, Carol Hayden and Karen McPhie held the lead until the seventh end then Lynda Richards, Judi Polak and Bette Saillard rallied, eventually winning by four shots, 12 v 8.

Liv Everingham, Jean Glover and Dale Cameron led all the way against Deb Gardener, Lynne Green and Deyonne Page winning 14 v 9.

Coming events: Thursday 24 November is the NDWBA Open District Triples, good luck to our three teams who were “inadvertently” entered into this Competition.

Thursday 1 December is the annual RSL Grange LifeCare Trophy Day.


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