Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club


TUESDAY 30 November: Social bowls played two games of Triples and a game of Fours 18 ends.

Lyn Nightingale, Ingrid Luck and Robyn Webster started strongly and were in front by 7 shots (19 v 12) on the 14th end.

Then the unbelievable happened Jan Coomer, Sandra Leisemann and Bette Saillard won the next 4 ends, gained 9 points and claimed victory 21 v 19, a great comeback by this team.

Sheila Rattray (swinger Lead), Bev Rhodes, Jean Glover and Dale Winter led all the way in their contest bowling against Sheila, Dawn Jones, Deyonne Page and Pat Baker ultimately winning by 6 shots, 20 v 14.

A close game for Liv Everingham, Karen Green and Karen McPhie v Dawn May, Lynne Green and Maynie Roberts, 6 all on the 8th end, 9 all on the 12th and 14 all on the 16th end.

Maynie’s team won the next two ends and won the game 19 v 14.

The winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Dawn, Lynne and Maynie.

Jean Glover was the lucky raffle winner many thanks to The Garden Eatery for their donation of the raffle prize.

Thursday 2 December: Format for play a game of Fours and 2 games of Triples 12 ends.

A very even game for Sue Morris, Lynda Richards and Pat Baker v Lyn Nightingale, Deyonne Page and Maynie Roberts 6 all on the 9th end then by the 11th end Pat’s team took the lead 10 v 7.

Maynie’s ladies won the last end but just added two points to their tally, resulting in losing by one point 10 v 9.

A big win for Bev Dunn (swinger Lead), Judi Polak, Bev Rhodes and Ingrid Luck 16 v Bev, Dorothy Thompson, Lynne Green and Bette Saillard 3. Sheila Rattray, Jean Glover and Sandra Leisemann had control of this game from start to finish defeating Maureen Campbell, Carol Hayden and Dale Winter 13 v 9.



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