Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club


TUESDAY 12 October: No bowls played due to rain.

Thursday 14 October: Social bowls, 2 games of Triples and a game of Fours, 12 ends.

On the 4th end Dee Douglas, Robyn Webster and Sandra Leisemann were ahead by 2 shots, 4 v 2 bowling against Sheila Rattray, Bev Dunn and Bette Saillard.

Unfortunately Sandra’s team didn’t win another end going down by 14 shots, 18 v 4.

Lyn Nightingale, Ingrid luck and Judy McGavock took the lead on the 6th end in their match against Bev Rhodes, Dorothy Thompson and Karen McPhie ultimately winning 12 v 4.

A great comeback by Jean Glover (swinger lead), Carol Hayden, Judi Polak and Dale Winter nearly resulted in a win for them.

On the 8th end their opponents, Jean, Carol Hayden, Judi Polak and Dale Winter had a 5 shot lead 10 v 5, by the 10th end the score was 10 all.

Dale’s team won the 11th end adding 1 point to their tally, 11 v 10. Just 1 end left to bowl still anyone’s game, Dot’s team came good scoring an impressive 4 shots, claiming victory 14 v 11.

Coming Events: Dolphin Day, AKA Shirts vs Skirts Saturday 30 October.



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