Tea Gardens Women’s Bowlers play at Newcastle District Versatility Day

Robyn Webster and Sandra Leisemann: 1st Place in the Pairs Newcastle District Versatility Gala.
Robyn Webster and Sandra Leisemann: 1st Place in the Pairs Newcastle District Versatility Gala.


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

CONGRATULATIONS to Robyn Beaumont, Sandra Leisemann, Robyn Webster and Kayelene Pearson who competed in the Newcastle District Versatility Day held on Monday 11 September at Soldiers Point.

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Their team had wins in the Singles, Pairs and the Triples but unfortunately went down in the Fours.

Sandra Leisemann and Robyn Webster coming first in the Pairs section, great bowling ladies.

Tuesday 12 September was a good turn up of bowlers for social bowls and Round 1 of the Minor singles.

Prior to play, president Robyn Webster congratulated Bette Saillard, winner of the club’s Mixed pairs Competition and Verlie Gray, Runner Up.

Of course, it was a Pairs Competition, so well done to Colin Saillard and Tom Parkinson.

Birthday greetings to Deyonne Page and Karen McPhie.

Welcome back to Veronica Conaghan and Beverley Thrift.

Format for social bowls was two games of Fours and a game of Triples.

Winners of the day with the highest margin were Dawn May, Dawn Jones, Lily Smith and Pat Baker.

Results for the first round of the Minor Singles are: Bette Saillard had a forfeit, Karen McPhie 25 v Francis Betar 7.

Jeanette Emmett 25 v Lynda Richards 16.

The winner in this competition is the first bowler to reach 25 regardless of ends played.

Thanks to Umpire Sandra Leisemann, Markers Kerry Faber and Kathie Rimmer and Controlling Body Margaret Smith.
Round 2 Club Minor Championship.

Weather conditions appalling, westerly wind blowing 45km/h, with gusts up to 59km/h.

Jeanette Emmett 25 v Karen McPhie 22. Sheril Johnson had a 7 shot lead over Julie Kennedy on the 11th end but Julie fought back, the score 15 all on the 21st end.

The next 8 ends were “neck to neck”, Julie having a one shot lead (23 shots) on the 29th end.

The 30th end saw Sheril gaining 3 shots ending up a winner 25 v 23.

Bette Saillard and Elizabeth Kelly battled for 33 ends.

Bette was well in command of proceedings till the 18th end but Liz decided enough was enough and sent down some great shots.

Bette had a never say die attitude as well, 19 all on the 27th end.

Final score Liz 27 v Bette 21.

Newcomer Ingrid Luck led all the way against Carol Hayden, Ingrid winning by 11 shots.

Thanks to the Markers Kayelene Pearson, Francis Betar, Wendy Brand and Dale Winter and Controlling Body Margaret Smith.

Should be a great semi final on Tuesday 19. The Final to be played on Thursday 21.

Social bowls as usual will be played on these days.

There will be a group of bowlers from Lake Cathie joining us on 21 September.

Coming events are RSL Pairs on 26 September and Oncology Day 6 October.

Mixed bowls as usual every Sunday, names to be submitted by 9.30am, play commences 10.00am.



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