Tea Gardens Slipway Association Reopening Ceremony Postponed


THE Tea Gardens Slipway Association regretfully advises that the planned reopening ceremony scheduled for this Saturday afternoon, 10 July 2021, at 2:00 pm has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.

This postponement has come about due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 restrictions and the likely inability to maintain the required social distancing at the event.

“While it is recognised that the current restrictions are to end on 9 July 2021, the postponement has had to be called early enough to advise the community and the organisers,” said Tea Gardens Slipway Association President Paul Bendy.

“The community’s safety during this difficult time is far more important to the Association as it will continue to work within the necessary COVID restrictions.

“As soon as we can set a date for the official re-opening, the community will be advised.”

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