Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch to hold AGM

The Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch Executive at last year’s Remembrance Day service. President Mal Motum, Trustees Terry Munright, Peter Sinclair and Bob McMasters, Jenny Ross-Henry and Kevin McInerney.


The Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch and Auxiliary will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday 15 February at 10am at Tea Gardens Country Club.

All community members are welcome to attend.

The RSL does amazing things in our communities supporting veterans and their families.

They also ensure that the history of sacrifice is not lost in communities.

Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest has a rich history when it comes to serving our country.

Many who served do not grow old as we do, having made the ultimate sacrifice.

Yet still today we see our young people sign up to serve.

Some serve in the Reserves, others serve in providing aid to places such as Tonga when a tsunami hits.

Our Armed forces are people that run towards danger when others run away.

After they have served they need our help and support.



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