Tea Gardens Pool opens, more work still to be completed Myall Coast Myall Coast News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 18, 2023 More turf is required, while the watering system for the grounds needs replacing. THIS week the Tea Gardens Public Pool reopened under the operational management of ‘The Y’, which is good news for all swimmers and for those learning to swim. Key renovations have been completed by the MidCoast Council project, funded by the Federal Government grant of $700,000. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au These included the installation of a new access ramp, all-access shower and toilet, all-access pathways and minor upgrades to the existing amenities. The Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association has welcomed the project’s partial completion and has identified a number of outstanding works that still require mitigation and has offered to assist Council in their completion where appropriate. These include (in addition to the new rear storage sheds and upgraded gutters): • Complete the concreting at the entry (now half pavers / half concrete), seal and paint the incomplete entry façade. • Replace the inground automatic watering system which was removed during the project. Both the new turf and old grass are dying, and watering is being done by volunteers. • Additional turf is needed to cover exposed dirt which will dirty the pool and prevent lawn use. • Replace the bubbler. • Repaint the safety step stripes around the pool area. • Replace the shower wall tiles in all bathrooms (both need light and professional painting). • Replace the old unsafe pool access ladder with a new safe modern one that is easy to remove for carnivals etc. • Repaint the entry building and pump room shingle style facia (roof) – they are damaged and very unsightly. • The two picnic shelters need minor repairs, cleaning and repainting. The President of the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association, Bruce Murray, told NOTA, “It is great that the public pool is open after some frustrating delays. “The Progress Association is committed to ensuring the project is fully completed as well as the other repairs and upgrades, most of which are long overdue. “We are keen to work with Council to assist where possible to ensure we have a great safe facility. “In the long term we are committed to lobbying for a major upgrade of the whole aquatic and sports precinct in this great Tea Gardens location. “The $4.3 million Federally funded upgrade of Blayney Centrepoint Sport and Leisure Centre is a great example of what is possible. “Blayney is a regional town with a similar population profile, taking local growth into account. “The project was federally funded and used the existing old pool and surrounds. This is one of many major local improvements we will be pursuing in 2023.” The Progress Association has to date purchased new plants, lane ropes and reels and plans to assist with other equipment and more volunteer works. For further information or to assist, contact hntgprogress@gmail.com. More work is required to complete the upgrade of the Tea Gardens Pool. The Progress Association says it is time for a new, safe ladder at Tea Gardens Pool. More work is required to complete the upgrade of the Tea Gardens Pool. More work is required to complete the upgrade of the Tea Gardens Pool.