Tea Gardens Men’s Shed celebrates 10th anniversary

Tea Gardens Men’s Shed members.

GENTLEMEN of the Tea Gardens Men’s Shed celebrated their institution’s tenth anniversary on Sunday 2 February, marking a decade of camaraderie and helping the local community.

“The work to set up the shed was an initiative of the Lions Club, and Ian Robertson was tireless in his efforts to get the Shed going on the old tip site,” Men’s Shed President Ken Hill told NOTA.

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“Back then, the gents used to meet behind the former Tourist Information Centre in Tea Gardens, then near the Bowling Club; they had 15 members by the time the Men’s Shed formally began in 2015.”

Today, sited at the old tip near the Tea Gardens RFS station, the Men’s Shed has 37 members, with a pre-COVID high of 50.

“We have enjoyed support from MidCoast Council, and Tea Gardens Country Club has been giving the Men’s Shed a grant to cover the lease for the site for the last decade or so,” Secretary Kevin Thomas explained.

“We’re a community-based not-for-profit organisation providing a safe and friendly environment for guys to get together for social interaction and to undertake both personal and Shed projects.

“People can come here to increase their skills and knowledge with all sorts of tools and machines like the laser engraver and photo printer, learn more about men’s health, enjoy the cards room, barbeque, internet, and walk away having met a dozen or so new people.”

The Tea Gardens Men’s Shed has completed 1098 community projects around town over the last ten years.

Notable undertakings include providing Santa’s sleigh for Christmas celebrations, the tree guards along Marine Drive, tree information structures along Sanderling Ave and the welcome signs near the skate park, and the giant model drogher at the Tea Gardens Hotel.

They have also helped build household mobility ramps, and on Thursdays will welcome visitors from Peter Sinclair Gardens for some social interaction.

“We do not take any work off local tradies, and ask people with projects if they have contacted a tradie before we take it on,” Kevin added.

“There is no age limit to joiners, and we take safety very seriously, helping members with PPE and having them be inducted with every machine they seek to use.”

The Men’s Shed is planning an Open Day for the last Thursday in February from 10am, with regular hours being Monday to Thursday from 8:30am to 12 noon.

More information about the upcoming Open Day can be found by dropping in or calling 7228-9826.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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