Tea Gardens Mens bowling results

October 18: In Sunday Introduction to Bowls, played in a bit of overcast and with some rain, all bowlers had a great day but the winners were; Harry Hauben, Keith Baker and Ray Prigg.

John Slater
John Slater

Runners-up were; Tim Grant, Garry Wynne and Julie Kennedy. October 21: There was good participation today as 42 bowlers took to the green to contest the usual Wednesday Nominated Triples competition.

The weather was warm to hot and games were played on both greens with the grass proving a little slow.

The winners on +34, taking a breather from their Three X Three duties, were the formidable combination of; Neil Kibble, Col Amos and David Rimmer. Runners-up, on +30 were the potent team of; Peter Gurney, Bob Weir and Bill Whalan.

October 23: A fresh southerly breeze greeted the usual 16 Friday Jackpot Pairs devotees today.

Winners were decided on 4 points for a win plus ends won. Suiting this formula to a tee was the team of; Garry Wynne and Stewart Sturrock on a score of 20.

Runners-up on a score of 16 were the well credentialed pairing of; Neil (Silky) Kibble and Bill Whalan.

There were four teams entered for the jackpot draws but there were no winners.

Jackpots now stand at $200.00 and $100.00 next week.

In other news, Dolphin Day will be held on Friday 27 November and not deferred to a date in 2016 as previously advised.

Club Mixed Fours: The entry sheet for this competition has been posted on the notice board with entries closing on Friday 30 October.

The draw will be made on that date. Single entries will be welcome and every effort made to obtain partners and make up teams.

The first round will commence on Saturday 7th November and rounds will continue on 8th, 14th, 15th and 22nd of November, if needed.

October 25: In Sunday Introduction to Bowls32 Players attended in beautiful conditions.

The winners were:  Pat Wilson, Clare Brown and John Moore.

Lucky Losers were: Gary Wynne, Lon Richards and Stu Sturrock.

Many thanks to our cooks Max Stephens and Barry Goode and our Coach, John Bilby.

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