Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club News

Runners-up from the Club Mixed Pairs competition, Ron and Karen Green, and the winners for 2020, Robyn Beaumont and Jeff Baker.



A very special Remembrance Day was celebrated today with players pausing to pay homage to all those who served and are still serving in our armed forces so that we can enjoy our freedom.

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Lest we forget!

It was a great day for bowls and a good turnout of 58 players competed.

Our thanks to the Country Club for providing lunch and thanks also to Danny Johnson, his wife Sue and the RSL ladies who helped to serve.

It was much appreciated.

The winners today were Bob Peady, Ron Rowe and Doug Naylor on 21 points.

The runners-up were Noel Jackson, Greg Smith and Jeff baker on a countback with 15 points.

The Myall Bistro Voucher was won by Andy Docherty.

Our thanks to the new proprietors of the Myall Bistro for their support.

14 November

The semi-finals of the Club Mixed Pairs competition were played today in bright sunny weather.

Both matches turned-out to be somewhat of an anti-climax in that both were decided with easy wins.

Karen and Ron Green appear to be in great form and they emphatically accounted for Maynie Roberts and Peter Gurney 18 – 7.

In the remaining game, Robyn Beaumont and Jeff Baker were far too good for Irene Roberts and Dennis Longman, winning comfortably 22 – 11.

15 November

The perfect bowling weather continued today for the final of the Club Mixed Pairs competition between Karen and Ron Green and Robyn Beaumont and Jeff Baker.

There was little difference between the leads, both setting up opportunities for their skips and for the first half of the game Karen and Ron were well in the game trailing 7-8 after nine ends.

A fortuitous conversion on the 10th by Jeff Baker saw his team come away with 4 shots to make a break.

The Greens tried valiantly to get back into the game but a similar conversion from Jeff at about the 15th end, to take 5, really put paid to their chances.

Robyn and Jeff completed the match winning 20-14 to be crowned Mixed Pairs winners for 2020.

Congratulations to all the players who took part in the competition!

In other news:

Contrary to that was previously published, Dolphin Day is now scheduled for the morning of Saturday 21 November.

It will be played with the ladies and the “Shirts v Skirts” trophy will be decided.

The 2020 Presentation Night will be on the evening of Monday 7 December.

Numbers will be less than usual due to Covid restrictions and a nomination form will be published in the next week.

It will be open to players and their partners.

The last game of scheduled bowls for 2020 will be on 16 December.

Cost on that day will be $20 per member and prawns will be on the menu.

The grass green will close on 23 November until Christmas.

Please note that games on Wednesday’s after this date will be in teams of 4 so we can fit on one green.



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