Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club


You would not think that anyone in their right mind would venture forth to play an outdoor sport on a freezing, windy, and downright nasty day like today, but then again you might not be a lawn bowler.

Thirty-two intrepid bowlers took to the greens today with the wind doing some strange things to the bowls, but everyone played on.

Both the morning and afternoon games were decided by the ‘highest winning score’ as drawn by the bar staff.

The morning winners were Geoff Page, Dave Perry, and Keith Smith with 16 points.

In the afternoon, on 17 points, were Col Buddle, Graham Reynolds, Graham Uff and Mark Nightingale.

The Garden Eatery voucher went to Dennis Ashbridge.

4 June

The first two rounds of the Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club 16 and up competition were played today with some big money prizes at stake.

Fortunately, the competition was blessed with some nice weather, albeit a touch cold with some fickle winds.

The organisation by our bowls coordinator Rob Young, and members of the Club’s Management committee, who provided the catering, was first class, as were the steaks provided by the Country Club.

After the first two rounds, the scoreboard was looking interesting with teams recording two wins making the top of the leaderboard.

5 June

The 16 and up competition resumed today with just the one morning round played to decide the overall winner.
The results were as follows:

First place went to Col Buddle/Garry Macdonald, Ron Webster, and Jason Parks.

Warren Gooley, Greg Smith, and Jeff Baker came in a close second and Rob Young, Dave Garcia and Dave Perry took third.

There were several teams competing for the ‘Bradman’ prize, but Gary Wynne, John Moore and Ron Green managed the feat.

The highest score in Round 1 was won by Kev Barbie, Barry Goode, and Scott Fitzalan.

In Round 2 this was won by Graham Reynolds, Mark Nightingale, and Ross Barry, and in Round 3 it was won by Tom Short, Geoff Muggleton and Dennis Ashbridge.

All those players who did not win a cash prize received a beer voucher.

All the players participating in this competition rated it an outstanding success.

In other news.

The Club has entered two teams in this year’s Newcastle District Pennants competition.

One team is in Division 3. which will cater for players with a pennant grade of 4 or 5 and one team in Division 4 for players with a Pennant grade of 6 and 7.

Nominations are still being taken for the Club Championship Fours competition commencing next month.


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