Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club



It only comes around once a year and the RSL LifeCare Versatility Day was again well supported by members with 46 players participating.

RSL LifeCare, owners of The Grange Retirement Resort, have been sponsoring this event since 2011 and the Club is very grateful of their continued support.

A random draw for teams of four was made and the winners on the day were to be decided by “wins and ends won” over all the games played.

Taking home, the big money was the team of Ron Green, Geoff Page, Vic Garlick and Peter Campbell with 16 points.

They edged out, by one end, Mark Hair, Barry Goode and Leigh Hunt also with 16 points.

Jeff Baker, Rob Jones, Hylton Newman and Rob Beczelly filled third place with 12 points.

The “Bradman” was won by Chris May, Lon Richards, Peter Cheney and Graham Uff.

The Random draw for teams not winning a prize was Neil Kibble, Ron Rowe, Tony Butler and Rob Young.

Prizes were presented by Julie Woolard, Village Manager of The Grange Lifestyle Resort.

The Garden Eatery voucher went to Peter Gurney.

Our thanks to the Garden Eatery for their support with this voucher.

14 November

Sunday bowls was held today with a very strong south-westerly wind making life difficult for the lesser experienced bowlers.

The wind did keep some away, but 14 hardy souls persevered.

The winners for the day were Bill Thrift, Vic Garlic and Beverley Thrift.

Welcome back to Beverley who has been absent for some time.

Apparently, it was too windy for Bill’s part.

In other news.

The Bowls Coordinator, Rob Young will be arranging mixed bowls for Saturday 27 November.

Should be fun.

John Slater



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