Tea Gardens Lodge letter to editor by Juergen Seil, Former officer at the local Lodge



Dear News Of The Area,

The previous well known and respected Port Stephens Lodge No. 522 in Tea Gardens has been torpedoed by Grand Lodge in Sydney with spurious arguments.

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This is an example of how to destroy a well- functioning Lodge since 1924.

Current local residents should know that the local Lodge has been very successful in operation and had a good name in town and surrounding areas besides doing charity work.

Originally housed and operated in a two story timber function centre and then rebuild in 2000 by the dedicated senior Lodge members/officers John Bieshevel and Bros. Terry Munright and other officers at the time.

They established and managed at the time an outstanding Lodge in the old tradition with unique furniture, masonic floor, temple and kitchen /dining room and attracted regularly new members.

In effect this local Lodge was known as the Jewel of Lodges in this greater area.

Monthly meetings saw every month lots of visitors from Newcastle, Raymond Terrace ,Dungog, Maitland and Nelson Bay.

Every year we saw an increasing number of local members joining and it was a pleasure to be part of the Masonic movement in Australia.

All of a sudden Grand Lodge from Sydney appointed a Committee in 2017 to investigate our Lodge.

A report on maintenance and managerial issues were reported. None of the points were double checked or discussed with the current management at the time.

Many Lodge members wrote to the Grand Master in Sydney. No replies came back.

We, the many local members, have not only lost total faith in Grand Lodge in Sydney but we now question our previous commitment to the good Masonic movement and belief.

The majority of members have now resigned . What a shame!

There will be no Masonic Lodge for many years to come in Tea Gardens.

Remember there is an ever increasing number of new residents moving to our area and the potential of becoming a new Tea Gardens lodge member, but Grand Lodge doesn’t seem to consider this.

My judgement is they are out of touch with reality.

Juergen Seil
Former officer at the local Lodge.

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