Tea Gardens Hawks Flew Back to the Nest for Sponsors, Old Boys and Official Opening of New Facilities

The Myall Park Complex officially opened, with Kate Washington MP, MidCoast Mayor Claire Pontin, Tea Gardens Hotel’s Ben Hanson, and Hawks Executive Committee members.

THE Tea Gardens Hawks soared ‘Back to the Nest’ for the grand opening of the new Myall Park Sport Complex on Saturday, 12 August, with a host of special guests and two home games to end the regular season.

State MP Kate Washington and MidCoast Mayor Claire Pontin both spoke at the midday opening alongside Hawks Committee members Aaron Neighbour, Bob Smith and Nel Reynolds, and Ben Hanson from the Tea Gardens Hotel, the Club’s main sponsor.

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“The old place was 100 percent non-compliant, and this a huge step up from what you had before,” Ms Washington began, referring to the old facility mere metres away.

“With $100,000 from the State Government, and generous backing from MidCoast Council, we have finally gotten Stage One finished, and are still having conversations about what comes next.”

Mayor Pontin echoed Ms Washington’s sentiments, adding, “I hope everyone can enjoy it.”

The new facility is the result of a relentless push from the Hawks Committee, which Club President Dakka proudly proclaimed as built by local tradies, using local materials, many donated or given at a ‘great price’ by local businesses.

Hawks Vice-President Aaron Neighbour called up President of the Myall River Hawks Juniors, and Hawks Life Member, Ryan Saunders, saying, “It all starts with the kids, and without Ryan, the Juniors would have struggled.

“We all turned up for this club, this jersey, Myall River and Tea Gardens are under the same banner, it’s great to be a Hawk!” Mr Saunders concluded.

Club Secretary Neil Reynolds recognised that the Club has been lucky because “sponsorship has never dwindled, only really increased”.

“We are proud to sponsor the team and grow as a family,” said Ben Hanson, owner of the Tea Gardens Hotel, the Club’s main sponsor.

Local band ‘The Perpetrators’ shook the park with several awesome covers of rock classics, followed by the last home games of the regular seasons for both the Ladies’ and Men’s Hawks teams.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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