Tea Gardens Country Club to host Pig Races for Rural Fire Service on October Long Weekend

The porky participants stretch to avoid pulling a hammy before the Pig Races.

PORKY plodders return for charity as the main event in the Tea Gardens Country Club’s (TGCC) Charity Pig Races Day on Saturday, 30 October, during the Long Weekend.

This time the porcine prancers will be helping to raise funds for the Pindimar-Tea Gardens Rural Fire Service, who have a serious bushfire season ahead of them, even with new members coming onboard.

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“This is one of the biggest events we have, we raised around $5000 for the RFS last year, and it is a good cause to be supporting,” Warren Gooley, General Manager of TGCC, told NOTA.

“It is another fantastic initiative from the Country Club, to assist the RFS and our fundraising for essential equipment and proposed extension to the fire shed, the TGCC are great supporters of the Brigade,” said Pindimar-Tea Gardens Rural Fire Service (RFS) Captain David Bright.

Sponsors, whose donations have covered the cost of running the piggies, include Atmosphere Air Conditioning, Tea Gardens Home Hardware & Timber, Myall Coast Realty, Simply Smarter Blinds, Datrys Technologies, Lion Brewery, Cookson Land Surveyors and WIN TV.

The six-race card starts at 12noon, accompanied by several family activities at the Country Club, including a magician, face painting, balloon artists, roving clowns and the bucking bull rider.

The outdoor BBQ and bar will also be open, with outdoor catering provided by the Club’s award-winning team led by Jamie at The Garden Eatery.

All funds raised by the piggy racers will be in addition to the $5000 the Club already donated to the RFS this month via ClubGRANTS.

The Tea Gardens Country Club has also paid the Men’s Shed’s rent for the year, and bought a new trailer for the RSL Sub Branch’s logistics.

“We are expecting a great, big family day for all, and everyone is welcome,” Mr Gooley added.

Races will also be live-streamed across all the big screens around the Club, so no-one misses the chance to see the piggies ham it up on the track.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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