Tea Gardens Baptist Church running online Services for congregation

Pastor Len Roberts online.


OUR world is facing unprecedented times and in the face of these challenges, Tea Gardens Baptists are still getting the word out.

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As an Australian, we are sure you are doing all that’s within your power to stop the spread of coronavirus from regularly washing your hands and social distancing to patiently waiting in line at supermarkets.

Pastor Len Roberts told News Of The Area, “We send you our very best wishes for these unusual and, for some, very difficult, days.”

Even though you can’t come along to church for its Live! Live! Live!,enjoy the great music and the spectacular afternoon teas, nor attend its creative skills days; you might like to watch the Baptist online Church Services – especially over this Easter period.

To access the Service live on Sundays at 10am or any time after, visit: https://tinyurl.com/tgbaps
Or Google: Tea Gardens Baptist Church youtube.

Ps Roberts said “If there’s something you think we might be able to help with, please let us know – even if it is just a phone call for a chat.”

“It can happen to all of us that during this emergency, we could feel that I’m struggling with all of this time at home and am feeling very alone,” he said.

“Please know that the team at Tea Gardens Baptist is thinking often of you during this uncertain time. You are in our hearts and in our prayers. And if you’d like us to pray for you specifically, you can email your prayer requests to pastor@teagardensbaptist.org.au or call 49971011.”

Also, we understand that many people are home alone for longer than usual. Lifeline on 13 11 14 offers a wonderful service with lovely people to just talk to and share your experiences. We really encourage you to give them a call if you’ve been alone a while.

Ps Roberts said, “We have the facilities to run virtual services and online meetings and if there is a community group or organisation that would like us to help host a meeting then please contact us. We are here to help.”

The team at Tea Gardens Baptist are not medical health professionals. We have just gathered some useful and practical information to help you find the answers you are looking for during the global coronavirus emergency.

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