Taylors Arm Sports Reserve seeks urgent inclusion in Council’s budget

Mr Greg Desmond, Taylors Arm Sports Reserve Management Committee Chairman, spoke at Nambucca Valley Council’s meeting last week.

THE chairman of the Taylors Arm Sports Reserve Committee of Management, Mr Greg Desmond, addressed Nambucca Valley Council last Thursday evening to request an urgent variation to Council’s 24/25 draft budget to enable funds for the master plan of the reserve.

The Reserve is well-used by the community, according to Mr Desmond, used in recent times as an evacuation point during rural fires and as a refuelling area for firefighting aircraft.

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The Reserve also provides a home to a Rural Fire Service shed, and offers a camping overflow site when events are held in Taylors Arm Pub (aka The Pub With No Beer).

Local cricket matches and the local school’s cross-country events are also contested on the Reserve, among other events.

A master plan was endorsed by Council last year, mapping out the future of the Reserve.

At last week’s meeting however, Mr Desmond noted that no funding appeared to have been allocated to the project in Council’s 24/25 budget.

His committee presented a submission addressing this to Council.

The draft budget has been public exhibition and was due to be adopted at the Thursday meeting.

Mr Desmond listed several priorities for funding, beginning with water drainage from Taylors Arm Road.

“This issue is of huge concern for our committee,” said Mr Desmond.

“The majority of the water issues on the entire reserve are caused by water runoff from the Council-owned road easement.

“With no curb and guttering, the water simply flows off the road and down into the reserve.

“It will be difficult to adopt the master plan without putting in appropriate drainage,” he told the Council.

Mr Desmond’s other priorities for council attention in the next budget included the commissioning of a ‘Concept Design Report’, moving the existing play space at the reserve, construction of a BBQ area, and an amenities upgrade to facilitate disability access.

This last item would enable the committee to apply for State and Federal grant funding when opportunities arose, Mr Desmond said.

“The total of these costs is estimated at $82,000,” Mr Desmond said.

Mayor Rhonda Hoban agreed with Mr Desmond on many of these priorities, immediately requesting a report into whether funding for upgrades to the drainage of Taylors Arm Road can be found in recent grants totalling over $3 million, received by the Council for regional and road repair funding.

“To me, the first thing we need to do is get some money put towards solving this drainage thing,” she said.

The 224/25 Annual Budget was altered to include an allocation of $10,000 towards a Concept Design Report for the Reserve.

Council staff were asked to report on the possibility of seeking alternate grant funding for some of the other issues Mr Desmond highlighted.


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