Tap Exams at Medowie’s Dance ‘n Dazzle Studio

Bronze Medal Tap – Bella Maloney, Tahni Gannon, Olivia Adams, Kathrine Sautchuk, Zoe Lyon.


ON Sunday 24 October Dance ‘n Dazzle Studio at Medowie were able to hold their LGTDA Tap Examinations for 2021.

With the studio unable to open due to restrictions on the use of school halls, holding examinations was a huge challenge this year.

The Tap exams were set to be held back in August before Covid restrictions shut them down three days prior.

The students have been busily practicing for their exams via free livestream lessons which Dance ‘n Dazzle Studio Principal Miss Corynne Darcy has been offering all students daily.

On the day NSW hit 70% vaccination levels Miss Corynne had students coming to her home to practice and two weeks later they were able to hold their exams with a live examiner at her home.

“To see how resilient the children have been, doing their best practicing online for eleven weeks, makes me a proud teacher and so very grateful for the wonderful families who have been so persistent with their effort,” said Corynne Darcy.

The studio is now working towards completing their ATOD Classical Ballet, Jazz Moves and National Character examinations to be held mid-November with students still practicing online and at Miss Corynne’s home in small groups.

The studio has all of their costumes ready and are waiting to be able to put on their annual concert in the hope that restrictions placed on schools by NSW Health will ease soon.

Miss Corynne said the students deserve to have something to look forward to after such a challenging past 18 months.


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