Swanson raises concerns over State Government’s M1 timeline

Member for Paterson, Meryl Swanson and Catherine King MP, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure.


MEMBER for Paterson, Meryl Swanson, has welcomed the progress of the M1 Pacific Motorway extension but has raised concerns with the State Government’s timeline.

“I am pleased that detailed concept designs have now been released and welcome the opportunity for locals to have their say on the Environmental Impact Statement, Ms Swanson said.

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“Like many in the community I feel this project is vital to our region’s prosperity and am deeply frustrated by the continued delays.

“The NSW Government’s own timeline has blown this project’s completion date out to 2028 and it’s simply not good enough.

“Work on this project should have started two years ago when the government first matched Labor’s commitment to build this vital piece of infrastructure.

“We know our region is hurting as a result of the pandemic, fast tracking the M1 will ensure more than 2,700 jobs that will deliver a mass stimulus to our local economy over a period of 5 years.”

In June Meryl Swanson hosted Catherine King MP, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure to reaffirm Labor’s continued commitment to seeing the M1 delivered.

“A future Labor government will not only fast track this project but will ensure it employee’s local workers first.”

Submissions can be made online at the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Major projects website at www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/majorprojects/projects/on-exhibition.

The EIS and concept designs are available at caportal.com.au/tfnsw/m1rt.

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