Surf Club Receives Help From Their Neighbours

Tony Chambers, CHSLSC President Terry Maher, Habib Nooriani, Titan Barry, Larnie Mordue, Lucy Wilde, Abbey Lawler, Payton Lawler with Park Beach Bowling Club Chairperson Laurie Boekeman and Chief Executive Officer, Thane Duncan.

COFFS Harbour Surf Life Saving Club have been patrolling Park Beach since mid-September in their 100th year keeping the beaches safe.

Last week the Surf Club paid gratitude to one of their closest neighbours, the Park Beach Bowling Club for assistance with funding much needed lifesaving equipment.

The generous sponsorship through the Park Beach Bowling Club ClubGRANTS Program enables the volunteer organisation to maintain lifesaving equipment and provide up to date training for all volunteer members.

“It’s great to have a community who lend a hand and we are extremely grateful of our next-door neighbours, the Park Beach Bowling Club, for having come on board this season as Silver Sponsors,” Coffs Harbour Surf Life Saving Club President Terry Maher said.

“Patrons at Park Beach are able to enjoy the water while being watched over by our exceptional, volunteer patrol members.

“We are extremely grateful to the Park Beach Bowling Club who have contributed $5,250 in much needed and very much appreciated funding to the Club.”


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