Supporting children’s education is a key priority for Korora VIEW Club this Anti-Poverty Week

Abby Raymond was the motivating speaker at Korora’s 30th birthday celebration on 3 October, having just arrived back from competing in Pony Club championships in France where Australia came fourth in the jumping. Quite an achievement for an eighteen-year-old on a borrowed horse!

MEMBERS of Korora VIEW Club are calling on the community to give generously this Anti-Poverty Week, which runs from 15-21 October, and sponsor a child through national children’s education charity The Smith Family.

The focus of this Anti-Poverty Week is to end child poverty in Australia.

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Korora VIEW Club supports three children through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life education support programme, providing families with long-term educational, financial and personal assistance so children have all the essentials needed to fully participate in their learning.

This year has been particularly difficult for all Australians due to the cost-of-living crisis, but has been even harder for those already doing it tough.

Dianne McLeod, President of the Korora VIEW Club, said that one in six children in Australia is living in poverty, and it’s never been a more important time to support a child with their education.

“Families are having to make impossible choices during this cost-of-living crisis,” she reports.

“This could be prioritising rent over sending their child on a school excursion, or paying for schoolbooks.

“No child should have to miss out on the essentials of their education, and this is why VIEW is so passionate about supporting the work of The Smith Family.

“Its evidence-based approach helps children experiencing disadvantage to overcome the educational inequality they face.

“They support children for the duration of their education, and this helps them build the confidence and skills needed to create better futures for themselves.”

VIEW Clubs nationally raised more than $1.3 million last year to support The Smith Family’s vital work, and they currently sponsor more than 1,700 students on the Learning for Life programme.

While fundraising plays a vital role in helping children in need, Dianne McLeod is also encouraging women of all ages to donate their time and skills by joining a VIEW club.

Last year, VIEW members collectively volunteered over 70,000 hours of their time to help young people through homework, reading and mentoring programmes run by the charity – but there’s still a need for more helping hands.

“Our VIEW members have a unique opportunity to provide hands-on support to children experiencing disadvantage, while also forming meaningful and lasting community relationships,” Dianne said.

“Recently, members in our local area have been participating in Volunteering as Learning Club Tutors, as well as organising fundraising events, trading tables and fashion parades.”

To find out more about joining VIEW, visit or call 1800 805 366.

To sponsor a child through The Smith Family, visit or call 1800 633 622.


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