Stuarts Point hosts spectacular seniors feast

Kempsey Shire Mayor Kinne Ring was delighted with the event and her floral gift.

IN CELEBRATION of the NSW Seniors Festival (3-16 March), the Stuarts Point and District Community Organisation (SPaDCO) hosted a “sensational” seniors luncheon at the village’s Community Hall on Tuesday, March 11.

By 1pm, approximately 70 local and visiting seniors were comfortably seated and enjoying table service offered by a band of dedicated volunteers, as the Yarrahapinni CWA supplied a selection of fruit punch beverages.

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The menu, supplied by the SPaDCO “Chefs”, included a main course of boeuf bourguignon with potato bake and minted peas, or a vegetarian option of frittata and roast Mediterranean tart.

Mains were followed by desserts of apple pie and apple crumble served with ice cream, then an option of tea and coffee.

Kempsey Shire Mayor Kinne Ring congratulated the SPaDCO team on executing “such a successful initiative”.

“Sandbags and weather induced cabin fever were kicked aside in Stuarts Point when I was lucky enough to join the fantastic volunteers from SPaDCO for their Seniors Feast lunch,” said Mayor Ring.

“It was so heartwarming to share a beautiful homecooked meal with locals who were chatting and making new connections.

“It was my pleasure to attend this wonderful event and see firsthand the strong community spirit that exists in Stuarts Point.

“Events like these are vital in keeping our seniors connected and engaged.”

SPADCO Chairperson Mary-Lou Lewis told NOTA the turnout was “simply extraordinary”.

“It was wonderful to see our community come together in such a meaningful way,” she said.

“The hampers and gift vouchers which included local produce demonstrated once again how our community supports its own.”

Attendee Edith Chapman commented that the free meal was “absolutely delicious”.

“We would like to thank all those beautiful people that made the luncheon such a success,” she said.


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