Stroud Brickthrowing postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions


THIS weekend Myall Coast would be preparing for the annual Stroud Brickthrowing and Rolling Pin competition.

Unfortunately like many other events, organisers have decided to postpone the event from 10 July until 2 October 2021 for the safety of all involved.

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2021 marks the 60th year of the competition and although the event has always taken place in July, locals took to the Stroud Brickthrowing – NSW page to support the postponement.

“With all the COVID situation going on, that’s a very wise decision,” one commenter wrote.

“July may be traditional, but we are living in a different world at the moment.”

“October or whenever, it will still be great.”

The Stroud Brick and Rolling Pin Throwing competition is an annual event originally held between four townships of Stroud in the world: Stroud in Gloucestershire England, in Oklahoma U.S.A, in Ontario Canada and here in New South Wales, Australia.

The United Kingdom and United States of America held their first contests in 1960 and in 1961. Australia and Canada joined in.

In 1962 Australia suggested a women’s rolling pin contest and since then the contest has been held for six decades.

Join in on the fun on the October long weekend to experience bricks tossed, rolling pins hurled and rubber chickens chucked, as well as food stalls, markets and entertainment for the whole family.



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