Strong crowd joins poignant Remembrance Day service at Anzac Park, Tea Gardens

The Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch Executive at last Thursday’s Remembrance Day service. President Mal Motum, Trustees Terry Munright, Peter Sinclair and Bob McMasters, Jenny Ross-Henry and Kevin McInerney.


A STRONG crowd gathered under grey skies for a poignant Remembrance Day service at Anzac Park, Tea Gardens last Thursday.

Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch President Mal Motum expressed the ongoing significance and importance of Remembrance Day.

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“Remembrance Day is a very important day on the calendar because it is about the folly of war and it remembers the deaths and injuries of everyone in wars throughout the world.

“Specifically it is personalised for Australia’s part in activities but it is about remembering that war comes at a tremendous cost.

“We have got to be mindful of that and hopeful that war always remains a last resort.”

Mr Motum said Remembrance Day was an important opportunity for ex-servicemen and women in the community to come together and reflect.

“It is the second time of the year that we can remind people of the great contribution of members of the Defence Force of Australia throughout the years.

“In this community we don’t have a lot of serving younger people.

“Those who fought in the Vietnam War are getting older now.

“It is very important for them to get out and remember.

“We lost a significant amount of lives in Vietnam over the years, between 600 and 700, so it is very important for them.”

During the service, Mr Motum spoke about the resurgence of Remembrance Day commemorations in recent years.

“After the Vietnam war, the commemorations were very small because there was a lot of anti-feeling towards the war.

“I remember going to an Anzac Day service in Canberra in 1971 when I was a young cadet.

“Essentially the service was conducted around the Pool of Remembrance.

“There would have been less than 200 people there at the major Anzac Day service of the year.

“Now there are thousands, and there is a resurgence in interest.

“This followed on to a resurgence of interest in Remembrance Day and reflection on what it means.”

Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch Secretary Jenny Ross-Henry thanked the community for braving the weather to join the service.

“As an ageing population, I thank all of our members for coming out today in this horrible weather,” she said.

Jenny reserved special thanks for a group of helpful locals who helped the service run so smoothly.

“I would especially like to mention the women from the old Ladies Auxiliary who have come forward to replenish twenty wreaths which we use for all the local organisations in town.

“They have done a sterling job, thank you ladies.

“I would also like to thank Uve who comes forward every year with our sound equipment and helps us greatly.”




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