Storm drama in Soldiers Point Singles Final

Finalists Matt and Paul.

THE Men’s Major Singles Final was played at Soldiers Point Bowling Club last Saturday.

Commencing in sunny conditions on a medium paced green, Matt Johnston and Paul Russel entertained spectators with a fine exhibition of lawn bowls.

Scores were very close when lightening scattered spectators and delayed play at about the halfway mark.

On resumption, on a slower green, Matt went to a 18 shots to 11 lead to be within sight of victory.

However, Paul had other ideas and, playing sublime bowls, went to a one shot lead all broadcast live on Facebook.

The game’s climax came when, down 24 shots to 23, Matt needed to move the Jack to win.

His bowl missed by millimetres, so Paul won 25 to 23.

So, congratulations go to Paul Russel as the new Club champion.

New bowlers are welcome at the club when free lessons are available.

Please contact Mark Watt, Bowls Director on 49827173.

By Peter SMITH

Matt Delivers as Storm Approaches.

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