Stockton’s Norm Bassan MBE Lions Park re-dedicated with restoration work complete

Newcastle Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes with a number of Hunter Business Lions Club members.


THE Norm Bassan Lions Park has been re-dedicated after restoration of the Stockton Park.

Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes proudly supported the restoration and re-dedication to a very worthy citizen.

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“The memorial Lions celebrate Norm Bassan MBE, one of Stockton’s best known and loved citizens and a local identity.

“Mr Bassan had a distinguished career serving in Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine with the Sixth Light Horse Regiment.

“He was Charter President and Life Member of the Lions Club of Stockton, an alderman on Newcastle Council and NSW Senior Citizen of the Year,” Ms Nelmes said.

Norm was honoured with an MBE for services in the community in 1976 and continued to be an active participant in all aspects of the community, from Progress Associations, P&C and a number of committees before his passing in 1998 aged 99.

The monuments were brought back from the Australian Army Camp in Malaya before they were moved to Singleton Army Base, where they watched over the parade grounds for several decades.

They were moved to Norm Bassan Park when the Lions Club of Stockton installed a memorial in 1975 to recognise Stockton’s role in the military fortification of Newcastle and to acknowledge those in the area who served in military conflicts.

In 2019 the Hunter Business Lions Club commenced a campaign to restore them.

This project was driven by the community due to its historic importance and scenic location on the Stockton Foreshore with the iconic Newcastle Harbour in the background.

The Hunter Business Lions Club were successful in 2020 in raising over $22,000 for this project which is proudly funded by the NSW Government ($15,000) in association with Australian Lions Foundation ($5,000), Lions Club of Mayfield and Waratah Blind and Vision Impaired ($1,000), and other donations received online from members of the public in Stockton.




The restored Lions of Norm Bassan MBE Lions Park.

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