Stockton Men’s Bowling Club


THE quarter finals of the ‘Jim Scanlon Shield’ were played on Sunday 26 November and results were: P.Walsh, R.Berlin, R.Hadley (Skip) 23 def. N.Raphael, M.Hoye, A.Clements 13, G.Penfold, G.Ferguson, P.Taylor 25 def.

T.Smith, S.Ferguson, Bill Smith 11, J.Morris, K.Wagner, Mike Smith 20 def. P.Quinn, G.Moxey, L.Payne 14, R.Cue, S.Stawski, J.Fibbins 20 def. D.Burnett, D.Tinsley, J.Price 16.

The Semi Finals were played on Saturday 4.

December and results were: P.Taylor team 20 def. R.Hadley team 10 and the J.Fibbins team 19 def. the M.Smith team 17.

The Final was due to be played the following day but has been rescheduled to Tuesday 14 December.

The Final of the Mixed Pairs has been delayed to a date to be advised due to illness of one of the players.

Jim Scanlon was a well respected Life Member with numerous Club Championship Titles to his name during a long period of membership of the Stockton Bowling Club.


By Jack HIGH

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