Stockton Beach Offshore Exploration Project finds suitable sand


STOCKTON Beach has been at the forefront of the media for many years, and recently a large step towards the management has been completed.

Announced on 1 July 2021 the results from the Stockton Beach Offshore Exploration project concluded that there were three potential sources of offshore sand that would be suitable to nourish the beach.

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This work confirmed what many suspected; that the Hunter River sands and sand in the Bight would be suitable.

Tim Crakanthorp, MP State Member for Newcastle spoke about this accomplishment, “A lot of work has happened in the background and we’ve come a long way from where we were twelve months ago.”

Many Stockton locals have been anxious to hear this announcement and have eagerly awaited information on the NSW Budget funding allocation for the beach as discussed in the 1 July issue of Port Stephens News Of The Area.

Mr Crakanthorp confirmed there has been a one million dollar allocation heading into the next financial year for the offshore exploration project.

The next steps for this project include handing over the data to the Council who will then decide which option of sand to go with.

The Council will apply for a license to recover the sand and then assess it.

At this current stage, the Council is not able to supply a dollar figure for the next step until a decision is made about the suitability of the sand.

“I thank the Stockton community for their patience while this necessary work has been undertaken.

“I also thank the Deputy Premier and his team at the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and the team at Mining, Exploration and Geoscience for their efforts,” Mr Crakanthorp said.

The Deputy Premier’s Taskforce has seen stakeholders of different political stripes, levels of government, departments and walks of life work together to achieve an outcome for the Stockton community.

Mr Crakanthorp is a member of this taskforce and as the local Member of Parliament he will continue to work with all stakeholders to see sand return to Stockton Beach.

“This taskforce has a common goal, and I’m feeling positive that we will keep forging ahead,” he said.



One thought on “Stockton Beach Offshore Exploration Project finds suitable sand

  1. Environmental disaster let’s screw the sea bed and destroy more marine life. Whilst the sand ends up on the dunes at the other day of the beach. And can cheaply be trucked.

    This is what happens when corrupt governments get involved with these projects.

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