Stinker’s Fishin’: The big blue

Groper numbers have increased over recent years.

WHAT next in the continuing saga of the mighty blue groper?

Back in the late 1960s it was realised by NSW Fisheries that groper were vulnerable.

They were big, good in the kitchen and inquisitive making them easy prized targets for spearfishers and recreational fishers.

A decision was made to completely ban the spearing of groper and recreational fishers were limited to two fish. Since then there has been an obvious increase in the population of groper right along our coastline.

All was progressing steadily for the groper until an unfortunate fellow, who was completely unaware of the laws governing the take of groper, speared a big blue groper in Sydney.

Proudly displaying his fish to the gathering crowd on the beach the spear fisherman could not understand the reception that he received with bystanders lecturing him and making it obvious that he had broken the law.

The fish, he was told, was a long term “resident” of the area and much admired by the locals.

Fisheries’ knee jerk response was to immediately ban the taking of all groper by all means.

A one year cooling period was announced before any permanent decision would be made.

Time is up so it is time to revisit the issue.

As far as I’m concerned the answer is easy.

Ban the taking of groper over a certain size as is only the big male fish that are blue.

This would still permit the recreational fisher to catch the limit of two groper, yet protect the big blue which has been the centre of this controversy.

A similar law to the recently introduced law on the no take of flathead over 70 cms.

Discover the size at which groper change to blue and ban all captures over that length.

Just a thought.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

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