Stinker’s Fishin’: Salmon – Great fishcakes

Spectacular shot of feasting salmon off the Nelson Bay Breakwall. Photo: Andrew Thomas.

A WEEK or so ago I wrote an article entitled ‘Lobsters are not Lobsters’.

Well, this week I have another local mystery to untangle: ‘Salmon are not Salmon’.

You may have noticed huge schools of ‘salmon’ swimming north along our coastline and into the port.

What we call Eastern Australian Salmon, or just plain salmon and New Zealanders call Kahawai, are in fact not related to the true salmon family but rather to the perch family.

Let us just stick to – salmon.

For the last couple of weeks, the waters from Birubi to Fingal and throughout the port have erupted with a feeding frenzy of salmon feasting on small bait fish.

The explosion of activity is accompanied by seagulls and terns, frantically diving into the school in an attempt to pick up any scraps that remain.

Salmon can be easily caught trolling or casting a silver lure or most fish baits.

Although considered by some as fun to catch, the salmon performs very poorly in the kitchen unless you turn them into fishcakes!

Salmon make sensational fishcakes with little effort.

Fillet, skin and bone two fillets of a salmon before dicing and placing in the microwave for about 3 minutes.

Mash three medium sized potatoes with the fish. Include one egg, a splat of mayonnaise, diced shallots and parsley.
Mix it all together and roll into handful sized fish cakes.

Roll with breadcrumbs and let settle in the fridge for an hour or two.

Cook in shallow oil until golden brown.

I guarantee you will be out chasing salmon the following day.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

Eastern Australian Salmon are real battlers on the line. Photo: Andrew Thomas.

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