Stinker’s Fishin’: No surprises any more

Jayden Astill with his cracker flathead, which he promptly released.

NOTHING surprises me anymore when it comes to fishing in and around Port Stephens.

Who would have thought that you could dawdle into Woolworths and purchase a small plastic spool with fishing line and hook attached and use it to catch a monster.

Armed with the reel and a fillet of bonito, twelve-year-old Nelson Bay champion Jayden Astill headed for the breakwall hoping for a nibble.

Peeling off line Jayden tossed the scrap of bonito into the water.


Something big took off towards Tea Gardens.

A mighty battle followed before Jayden hauled the 75cm flathead up onto the rocks.

The mighty fish was measured and weighed before being gently released to fight another day.

NSW Fisheries law prohibits keeping any flathead over 70 cm.

A great law that keeps all the breeding female fish in the water.

An old Stinker saying: “Big female flathead are better off in the water than the kitchen.”

If you have time to spare, take a wander along the breakwall in Nelson Bay and watch the luderick fishers at work.

Fascinating to see the coloured floats disappear under the water, the strike and the following battle.

It really is the cheapest entertainment in town.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

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