Stinker’s Fishin’: My annual preschool fishing bonanza

Tom, Natalie, Caitlyn and Rosanna.

THERE is far more to fishing than catching fish.

Over the past 10 or so years I have been spending one Sunday morning with the little people from Karingal Preschool.

We gathered with other family members on Little Beach last Sunday where we checked our rods and reels before baiting up with a worm or a prawn.

Full of excitement and expectation, the kids were as keen as mustard, particularly when one young champion landed a small flathead.

The size of the fish made no difference to the gathering of three-and-four year olds who rushed to witness the flathead which was gently unhooked and released amid much dancing and whooping.

Then a small silver biddy was bounced up the beach, which sparked another dancing ritual.

The first half hour was full of activity, however when the fishing slowed down so too did the initial enthusiasm. Holes were dug in the sand while others chose to have a swim.

Fishing was forgotten until one of the remaining fishers landed a whiting which sparked another wave of interest which washed over the crowd before they returned to the swimming and hole digging.

Every year is the same and I think it is fantastic.

The enjoyment fishing can bring to the young folk is worth the effort to organise a bucket, rod, bait and tackle box.
So easy yet so rewarding.

Port Stephens has numerous places to introduce the kids to fishing including all the beaches and jetties inside the port.

Adults – make an effort to involve the little champs in the mighty activity of fishing.

You will never regret it.

By John ‘Stinker CLARKE

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